Reading Tumbr Data

Tumblr is a site that has blogs, friends, followers, and all of the other things you expect in a social networking site. It also has a REST API that you can query.  Here’s an example that pulls blog information: using System;using System.Xml.Linq; namespace Tumblr{    class Program    {        static void Main()        {            XElement tumblrResponse =                Continue reading “Reading Tumbr Data”

Free Weather Forecast Web Service

The National Weather Service has a Web service you can use: To use it: 1. Copy the WSDL: 2. Right-click on the Web site and select Add Web Reference. 3. Paste the WSDL address, from step #1 above into the address bar and click Go. 4. After you see the response from theContinue reading “Free Weather Forecast Web Service”

What Open Source Development is Teaching Me

I’m learning a lot from the open-source project, LINQ to Twitter, that I started a little over a year ago. Surely not alone in thought, it was amazing why so many people spend their free time writing free software. After all, software development is a good business to be in and make a living byContinue reading “What Open Source Development is Teaching Me”

How Twitter can Help Developers – I

As a Twitter developer, I’ve had a fair amount of experience with their API and thought that I might express how I think Twitter could help developers.  Twitter interacts with the community, requesting feedback on new features, helping developers, and generally letting us know what is happening with API status at Twitter Development Talk.  TwitterContinue reading “How Twitter can Help Developers – I”

Solving AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE In Silverlight

If you search for AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE, you’ll find many entries going back to early Betas of Silverlight, which may or may not be applicable today. When I received this error, my search led me to Bill Kratochvil’s blog entry, AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE Adding Silverlight Toolkit control to module. In my particular problem, I was using Prism and myContinue reading “Solving AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE In Silverlight”

LINQ to Twitter Talks to Laconica

Got to looking at the Laconica API and noticed that they built a Twitter compatible API.  This got me thinking that LINQ to Twitter might work with Laconica.  So, I pointed LINQ to Twitter at and fired it up: var twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(userName, password, "", ""); var publicTweets =    from tweet in twitterCtx.Status   Continue reading “LINQ to Twitter Talks to Laconica”

LINQ to Twitter does Delphi

Delphi Prism that is.  Since Delphi Prism supports LINQ, I wondered if LINQ to Twitter would work with it.  It broke on my first try because the enum parameters were being parsed differently than in C#.  So, I fixed this and checked in the new fix:  Be sure to grab ChangeSet #53131 or later. Continue reading “LINQ to Twitter does Delphi”