Absolute Beginner’s Video Series to Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions

Every time I start something new, I’m a beginner.  So I have a special place in my heart for people wanting to learn a new technology.  Fortunately, Microsoft is seeing how important beginners are in the .NET world and adding more introductory material to MSDN.  Here’s the latest, titled "Absolute Beginner’s Video Series to Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions", which provides an easy on-ramp for using the new Visual C# 2005 Express Edition:


Visual C# 2005 Clean Solution

I just finished an article and emailed it, along with the code.  Before zipping the code I usually go through all the project directories to clean out project generated assemblies.  This makes the zip file smaller, which is a bit kinder to the recipient.

However, before my seek-and-destroy operation, I remembered this option on the Visual C# 2005 Buld menu called Clean Solution.  It saved me the time of deleting all the project generated assemblies and I didn’t have to worry about accidentally deleting something I shouldn’t. <smiley goes here>